Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WTF!!!: Police Believe Man Kills Wife, Four Children

This World is crazy....

"Police believe a 51-year-old Oregon man stabbed his wife and their four young children and set fire to their house on Monday, killing all five victims. The man was hospitalized as authorities tried to piece together the frantic scene.

Firefighters using CPR tried to revive the family members, and managed to get a pulse from at least two of the children as they lay on the lawn in front of their home, said Police Chief Tim George.
"The front yard looked like it was a plane crash or something, the people working on those folks," George said.

Rescuers quickly realized it wasn't just smoke inhalation they were dealing with and rushed the 30-year-old mother and the children — ages 2, 5, 6 and 7 — to the hospital.

But all five died. The father was also taken to the hospital, where he was sedated in stable condition and under police guard, George said. Police believe he killed his family, but did not immediately charge him.
"That is the suspicion right now — the fellow we have up at the hospital under guard is responsible," said George.

Though autopsies will not be done for a day or two, it is believe the five dead were all stabbed and suffered smoke inhalation, police said.

Investigators were getting a new search warrant before going back into the house Tuesday to gather more evidence, George said.

The house is a small, plain one-story structure in a working class neighborhood of older homes, some of them undergoing renovation, several blocks from downtown in this city of about 75,000 in Southern Oregon's timber country.

The father was identified as Jordan Adam Criado, 51, and his wife as Tabasha Paige-Criado, 30. The names of the children, three boys aged 7, 6 and 5, and a 2-year-old daughter, were not immediately released." - read more - via AP

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